I got the call today to move over into the RDAP building. I was assigned a top bunk with a roomate. All the other buildings only have 1 person per cell except for in RDAP there is 2. This should be interesting. My cell mate I have met before, we are the same age. I hope thats a good thing. We have significantly more responsibility and accountability in the program. Im ready to give this thing my best shot.
I was moving out of my previous unit and it was actually difficult leaving the guys I had spent the last 3 months getting to know. Most of them came in around the same time I did and were in qurantine with me. The offciers asked me to move last minute so we didnt know it was coming today. It was sad, a few of the guys I felt like I was helping and there were a few guys there that I looked up to. We said our goodbyes for now.