We hope we will be getting out of quarantine 1 week from today! We can see them filling up another quarantine room across from us so we know they wont be bringing anyone else in ours. Thats great news! One more week till I start kicking some butt on that softball field.
I got a new watch from commissary. Exciting! it has 5 buttons on it so definitely gives me some more stuff to do. It is meant for runners so I will be able to use it on the track. Next weeks big purchase will be an MP3 player.
I applied for several jobs today. I would like to teach, roofing (not much of), or they have lots of large tractors and lawn mowers (most of the jobs are mowing). The tractors/mowing are good jobs because its not on the compound. Its off the prison.
I started reading a new book. “Talent is Overrated”. Awesome book so far! The book is about what the title insinuates. Hard work pays off. They support it with numerous case studies and good case stories.
Anyways, I appreciate all the support and everyone writing me. They don’t let us send mail out yet but I do have some email access. If you would like to email me send your email address to Margo and I will email you! I only get 15min at a time but I can email as many times a day as I want.
I want to thank those of you who have emailed me and sent me letters Those that have sent me letters please know that I have received them. Its actually a lot of fun opening mail from you guys. Everyday when mail does comes you sit there and wait in anticipation for your named to be called. It SUCKS when you name isn’t and everyone else is, lol.
Anne P (my awesome mother in law)
Tree T
Donnie P (best father in law ever)
Cathy C
My kids
My wife
Gramma Jeanne and Grandpa
Karen C
Jody L
Christina – Thanks for the books!
I have been able to email with a bunch others! Thank you gain. Miss Everyone!!