“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how “My “Why” is my family. My “Why is the need for my constant improvement”. My “Why” is the responsibility to my company “A question I get asked often is how am I doing mentally, oftentimes followed by some pity. I appreciate everyone’s support, however, I have my “whys”. I have my meaning. I do not feel upset at all. I am not a believer in fate or destiny. My “how” moving forward will determine my future. I know what I need to do. “How’s” are not easy but with a good “Why” they are achievable. My time in prison will be well spent. As much as I miss my family I am not ready to come home yet. One of my “Whys” is self improvement. I need more time in here for that. I have opportunities in here that I don’t know that I would have ever seen on the outside. I read, learn and collaborate with people like myself and others from all walks of life. Life has slowed down enough to engage in things that I have always wanted to do. I ask from you to not be sorry for my family or I, but be understanding. Know that when I come out we will be living a better life than ever before, for my “How” is not lost. The fire inside of me is not gone, I will be ready. Talk to my family and I with excitement.*Now with all that being said, I did ask Margo to send me a Sports Illustrated swimsuit addition or something. The “why” behind it will have to be for a future blog. LOL. If anyone else wants to send me something similar please send I miss everyone!