I’m doing great emotionally and physically. The one and only thing that is really tough is not being able to see my family and not being able to help them all the time. That hurts. I do still talk and email with them daily. We talk on the phone twice a day for a total of 15 min. Margo and I email probably 10x a day and Stella usually emails me once a day. I’m still waiting on Sawyer and Cray Cray to email me.
A typical routine for me is to wake up around 5:30 and eat breakfast. I thenfold all my sheets and put them on my bed. I’ll clean up from the night before at this time. While i’m doing this im thinking about what i’m going to blog about.
I blog first things in the morning now because I get so excited to communicate with everyone. (I wish I knew if anyone was reading or commenting on my blog) I write my blogs in a journal first because I only have 15 min once I’m on the computer and it takes me way longer than that to think and type. After blogging I typically jump in the shower, remember showers here have endless hot water and great pressure. At this time I’m still the only person awake. I will change into what I’m going to wear for the day which is usually sweatpants and sweatshirt. The phone is still available at this point so I call margo and try to only use 7-8 minutes so I can save the rest for her and the kids at night. After that I read for an hour or so until lunch comes. Lunch comes at 10;30. Ill eat lunch and this is also the time everyone else starts to wake up. From 11-5 I usually play some games with the guys and read some more. At around 7pm most of the people have sat down and started watching tv, because it’s so close to my bed I can’t read anymore so i typically cave in and start watching tv with them. I definitely watched preseason football, that was a treat. I can see the tv from my bed so Ill just pass out when Im tired. We have a standing count at 10pm which is tough because you have to stand up while they count you and someone usually has to wake me up. Before I goto bed Ill call Margo and the kids, ill ask how football went and their day. I tell them good night and I miss them a bunch.
Quick hits:
-Last night one of the guys made chicken enchiladas from the food we got from the commissary. It was amazing!!! We also had pistachio blue bell ice cream. They sell ice cream on fridays. So good!
-We received a new inmate last night so our 2 week quarantine starts over again! His name is Prince and he is from Nigeria, He is in for internet fraud. I bet I received one of those emails at one point.
-Ive read 3 books. “Sapien, untethered and 12 rules for life. I thought “sapien” was awful. First part of the book was about biology and evolution, after the author must have felt the need to add her liberal subjective flair to it. 12 rules of life was decent the writer was a psychologist who also wore a cowboy hat which interested me lol. I’m reading a book now called “Noise” , a really good book so far and from my favorite author Daneil Kahneman. He writes about psychology and economics.
-I received lots of mail yesterday. Books and lots of pictures. It made me really happy.
-I laugh a good majority of the day. Its a bunch of guys together so there is some good banter and crap talking.
– Mad money keeps us entertained most of the day.
– I drank my first cup of coffee today.
– We have microwaves and hot water machines.
– I got some new under armour shoes today, I’m styling!!!
That’s all I got today. Love and miss everyone!!