2/28/22 “Next Phase in program”

I transitioned to the next phase in the program im in. There are 3 phases and i am now in phase 2. In order to get into the next phase you sit in front of a group of about 7 counselors and officers by yourself. They evaluate your progress to see if you are learning and using the concepts they have taught. Our group started out with about 25 people, a few have left, 2 have had to start the phase over again because of lack of performance, and roughly 7-8 more have been put into whats called formal warning and earned additional treatment. Of all the prisons the inmates have said this one they consider the Harvard of them all. We wear colored lanyards around our necks so everyone in the program knows what phase we are in and it also lets the other general population inmates know we are in the program. The program has much higher expectations than the other units, from the way we dress to the way we act. So far so good!

I love the stories from the family back home, i feel like im right there with them still. Saylor is potty training, i think i did most of the potty training on the first 2. They told me a story of her peeing in her seat at school but other than that she’s doing good! Man, I got it easy if I come home and she is potty trained already.
The weekends pass quick for me when they are busy. I’m always calling checking in to find out how they are doing in sports, rodeo, hunting or whatever else they are into. Its usually quick conversations, “Did they win?, How many hits? What was your time at the rodeo?” and then off the phone waiting for the next time to call.
I have adopted the eating once a day diet, and it has been working great. I feel good physically and mentally. I’ve lost weight as well, I’m down to 165lbs. Its been along time since ive been that weight. I am going to consider a plant diet when I get out, I have read alot about meat restrictions and companies that sell plant based diets. Impossible foods has some pretty cool stuff. I cant wait. I will not stop eating meat however I will try to eat more plant based in the future.