I woke up with a bad headache this morning, it’s probably because of changing my diet and not drinking alcohol anymore. I found some medicine and I feel much better now. It’s been cold the last couple days as well and it’s difficult being indoors for so long. I sat by the window for sun for an hour today. It made me feel better as well. I would also like to say that this is not nearly as bad as I had imagined. Everyone has been professional and nice from the correctional officers to the inmates. It seems like everyone wants to help, everyone wants to help even more so than outside of here.
I’ve started getting into a routine this morning. I woke up early and got onto my email to check emails and respond. I then continued reading my book “Sapiens”. Awesome book so far. After an hour of reading I took a shower and cleaned up. At this time I am still the only one awake. Breakfast came this morning, it was eggs and french toast and grits. After breakfast settled we started with yoga and meditated for a little over an hour.
I’m starting to find where I think I am going to find my goals, purpose, and strength. Everyday I will get a little bit closer. I’m excited to put this all together and share with everyone. I have ordered some more more books that will help me down this path. Im glad that i’m surrounded by people that are also looking for the same things I am.
I miss my family dearly! I’m running out of time to write this so I am going to send now.